Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Life and Technology

My name is Joe Borchard and I am a freshman at Arizona Western College.  I use technology everyday.  It is part of my life.  If I didn't have any access to technology I don't know how my life would be.  Technology helps me in everyday life.  I use technology for school, social networks, and many other things.  Technology helps me keep up with current events that go on in my everyday life.

I use my phone all the time whether its checking Facebook, texting, Instagram, the time of day,and checking current events.  If I didn't have my phone I would be lost.  Even if I have to past time I will pull out my phone and play a game to keep me entertained.  I even pull out my phone in class when I get bored.  My phone is a part of my life.

The most technological device I use is my lap top.  I am always on it.  I use it for school, socializing, and looking up current events.  When I am using my lap top I am always on more than one website and I always go back and forth between them.  Even when I am using my lap top for school work I always have my Facebook open.  I can never use my computer for one task and one task only.  I always have to check MSN or Facebook to keep me posted on current events. 

I would say that technology is a MAJOR part of my life and I couldn't imagine life without it.
Me and some friends in Tempe.


  1. Leticia and I will forever be witnesses of your love for MSN :D

  2. I know what you mean about always being on multiple websites. It seems impossible not to multitask now a days.

  3. I am the same way as you. I am always on my phone. Checking instagram, or just texting.

  4. Amen to using the phone to fill any possible time gap

  5. Great blog, Joe! I enjoyed reading it. :)
