Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Own Use of Technology

I decided to observe myself one day to see how much I use technology.  From the moment I woke up I was already looking at my phone to see if I got any messages and to check my Facebook.  Even while getting ready for school I checked my phone.  I checked it right before I got into the shower and I went to check it right when I got out.  While walking to my morning class I was on my phone the whole time checking my Facebook and Instagram.  I even had my phone in my hand as I was walking into class.  I didn't even bother to put my phone back into my pocket I just set it on my desk in front of me that way I could easily access it. The teacher was a little late in starting the lecture so while I was waiting I was looking at my phone the whole time.  Once she started the lecture I put my phone down but not even two minutes into the lecture I was looking at my phone checking Instagram.  Within 20 minutes of the lecture I had looked at my phone five times.  There was even a time when I was looking at my phone for more than a couple of minutes because I was reading an article online.  My professor even caught me looking at my phone and told me to pay attention.  After class I went back to my dorm and while walking back I was looking at my phone the whole time.  I set my phone down to take a nap and right when I woke up I looked at my phone.  It was time for my next class and as I was walking there I was looking at my phone the whole time.  We were doing a lab during class but I was still looking at my phone every couple of minutes.  My professor even caught me looking at my phone and she told me to pay attention.  This was the second time getting caught with my phone in one day.  I realized that I use phone a lot and that it is distracting me during class.  In my case technology is harmful.
Me on my phone and computer at the same time.

Students' Use of Technology at AWC: My Observation

I did two observations.  One during lunch and one during class.

My first observation was during lunch.  I observed a group of eight students that were studying.  I decided to observe a group of students studying because I wanted to see if they will still use their phones while studying.  I was completely right.  Within ten minutes six of the eight students took out their phone to look at it while they were studying.  Not only did they just take out their phone they kept them out the whole time to keep looking at them.  I noticed that the students who constantly looked at their phones were also the ones that looked the most off-tasked compared to the two students who had not take out their phone.  The students who kept looking at their phone also kept asking the other two students for help.  The students who were doing their work were getting annoyed of their friends who kept looking at their phones.

My second observation was during my Biology class.  I observed this class because we had a lecture so I knew there would be a lot of students looking at their phone.  Almost all of the students had their phone out in front of them even though they weren't looking at it at the time.  I noticed that some people would look at their phone while the professor was talking but some would only look at their phone when the professor would stop talking.  I was surprised by how much people are using technology which only made me think about myself and how much I use technology.

A group of students using their phones while studying.  

What They See

I was able to interview a faculty member at Arizona Western to see what they had to say about technology.  I interview Antonio Carrillo, a counselor at AWC.  I asked him what he thinks about students and technology and if he thought it was harmful or beneficial to a student.  He says technology is bennificial in the fact that he can and his students can communicate without actually seeing each other.  He als thinks that many students are addicted to technology and that it is taking over their lives.  Students rely too much on technology and that they seem to go blank without it.  He sees students everyday walk around with a phone in their hand not paying attention to their surroundings.  One thing he hates is when he is talking to a student and they have their phone out looking at something else while he is talking to them.  He thinks technology is a very important thing but it can also be harmful because of how addicting a student can get to technology.

Students and Technology

I was able to get a chance to interview a student that goes to Arizona Western College.  He is a freshman and he lives in the residence halls.  During the interview I asked him questions about technology and how important it is to him and how much he uses it in his daily life.  He says he is always using technology and he is always on his phone.  Technology keeps him updated throughout his day.  He constantly checks his twitter, instagram, and Facebook feed.  He also says he uses his computer a lot.  When I asked him how many hours a day he spends on his computer he said he spends about seven hours a day.  I was shocked when I heard this amount and I was curious about what he does on the computer so I asked him.  He is usually on twitter, tumbler, and YouTube looking at videos.  Kagi values technology as his means of communicating globally receiving news and accessing media.  I also asked him if technology was harmful in his life.  When I asked if technology was harmful to him he said without hesitation yes.  He is always on his phone during class and it is always distracting him from learning in class.  He also says while doing homework on his computer he will always have another site open that distracts from doing his homework.  His weakness is Facebook because he is always instant messaging his friends.  Even though he gets distracted while doing homework he likes how everything school related is technology based.  He likes the fact that he can do homework, quizzes, and submit assignments all on blackboard and even talk to his professors.